My secret plan for business growth

August 16, 2009

Andrew Trindle, MD (example)

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I am revealing my secret plan for attracting physician authors to my business.

I am going to buy an email list of about 25,000 physicians for $499. I was glad to find this list service because I can use the addresses as often and in as many ways as I want to, except to re-sell the list. My plan then is to send the above message to a few of the addresses at a time, each email addressed to one individual, as shown above. I may offer different combinations of services or information, or I may not.

There are services that will do the same thing, including sending out one email message once to a list of physicians. Based on what I’ve read, I think I have a chance of interesting 1 out of 500 physicians in my services. So that’s a total of 50 responses I’m expecting.

Why not send them to the whole list? One reason is it will cost less. Another reason is that sending out thousands of email at once will immediately mark me as a big-time scam artist. And, the best reason is I’ll be able to dribble my interests in a slow, deliberate way so that I can handle them all efficiently.

Watch and see what happens!

Griffith Publishing

Publishing is getting exciting

August 16, 2009

Less than a century ago poems were handed around on torn pieces of paper, stories were told by firelight, and textbooks were re-bound to preserve their lives.

Now we have electronic publishing.

Even if your book is printed on paper with a hard-cover binding, it still depends on electronics. The words of the book need typesetting software. The design needs electronic formatting. The printers are computer driven.

These improvements have shortened the time line from concept to bookshelf and have improved the appearance of even poorly written books.

The content of books has also changed from words with your imagination filling in the details, to words supplemented by audio and video inserts, links to related Websites, and graphics that move, zoom and shrink in striking patterns.

Publishing is getting exciting, but not necessarily better. The twin of variety is confusion, and too many websites and online publications are a jumble of competing elements.

You’ll want to use sound and video for your online books that need to show or demonstrate someothing visual. Beyond that, words are what communication is all about.

If you’re running a long series of blogs on a given topic, try completing your project with a book formatted for printing. Whether you print it or make it available on line, it will be easier and faster to read, and much easier to understand.

Griffith Publishing

Reprint a book for a low cost

August 5, 2009

We had most of the files for a book an author wanted to reprint, but not all of them.

Then my printer said, “We can reprint any book in print.”

“You can?”

“Sure. Just send us a copy of the book that we can keep, and we’ll scan in the pages.”

“But they’re going to blur up and not print at high resolution.”

“There may be some loss in quality, but the average person won’t be able to detect it.”

So I took the plunge and reprinted a book entirely from scans of the pages as printed, and the book turned out beautifully.

Photos don’t scan wonderfully, but this book didn’t have any photos, and I couldn’t detect any degredation of quality.

For economical reprinting of books, let me know and I’ll run it through the process with my favorite printer and handle the whole thing. the scanning will cost you only a f ew dollars.

Everybody wins!

Call me if you’d like to see a copy of the book we reprinted before you decide to reprint with us. Call 800 359-9503 or send email to

Brought to you by Griffith Publishing